Thursday, May 12, 2011

Killing Bin Laden

Last week, the U.S. rejoiced with the news of the death of public enemy number one, Osama Bin Laden. People flowed into city streets and cheered, sports arenas celebrated with "God Bless America" and even here at AHS, students and staff marched onto the front lawn to say the Pledge of Allegience. Yes, he was number one on the FBI's most wanted list, but even after news of Hitler's suicide in 1945, people didn't celebrate in the same manner as we did last week. Do you think it was right to celebrate the death of Bin Laden in the way we did in the U.S.?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bowling for Columbine

In his documentary, Michael Moore paints Americans as a bunch of gun lovin', fear-mongering, violent people. He blames the U.S. gov't and television among others. Is he right? Why are we here in the U.S. more violent than other countries? Is it our history, as many people tend to claim? What parts of the movie were the most poignant to you and why?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Obamination by Federal judge

As an American i feel that president Obama has his best intrest for this country at this time, I feel that the federal judge who dosnt agree with the president is because of the financial health of our economy. And though Obama has trust in his plans such as United health care i think this situation must be looked at and delt with wisely. Our economy must be fully recovered and by doing that i think we would have to create more jobs because then with health care doctors and nurse and aid would have to work longer our and be paid sufficiently. Also i would like to add that it is constituitonal that care is provided to the nation by there you have it.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Congrats, you've successfully signed on...

Whenever you talk about law, you inevitably come across some controversy. Throughout this class, we'll talk about some of those controversial topics. We'll use this blog to discuss those topics. You'll have an opportunity to state your opinion and to comment on other people's comments. Just to start, read the article about the lawsuit filed against Obamacare by 26 states. (There is a link to the right, just click on "Obamacare") What are your thoughts on President Obama's plan for universal healthcare? What do you think of the lawsuit and the possible impending Supreme Court case?